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Office Building

Office Pickup

Our business office services offer a solution to support zero food waste that responsibly redirects food waste away from landfills and restores the food cycle by creating composted soils that are used in local community gardens, farms, lawns, and home gardens

Monthly Membership Benefits


  • With the office membership, you can apply your free composted soil ( limit of 2 yds per yr ) to their business landscape and only pay the labor & equipment fee that starts at ($100) for an area up to 2,000 square feet.


  • The office membership will allow you to offer your employees a 15% discount on our services which include composted soil lawn top-dressing, compost tea treatment (liquid fertilizer), and lawn aeration.


  • The office membership will allow you to offer your employees a 15% discount on our compost product


  • Get recognition by giving back to the community which supports local farms and community gardens and turning food waste into an asset instead of an environmental liability


Large Business Office Service


We offer free consultations to tailor our food waste pickup service to help you become a zero-food waste establishment



Contact us to set up a free consultation

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